August Annual General Meeting
August 25 @ 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
The 34th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Waverley and District Anglers’ Incorporated will be held on Monday, 25th August 2025 commencing at 7.30 pm.
All Office Bearers and General Committee positions will be declared vacant and nominations required.
To nominate for a committee position please print and complete the below Nomination Form and return it by email to Mark Nan Tie ([email protected]) or Brian Mukhtar [email protected]
If you prefer to post the form, please send to PO Box 972, Mt Waverley VIC 3194.
If you are unable to attend the meeting a proxy nomination form is also attached below.
On behalf of the current Committee, we look forward to seeing you at the AGM and your continued support of our Club.
The AGM will be followed by light supper and raffle.
All are welcome to attend.
Election of Office Bearers and Committee Members
We, ___________________________________ and _________________________________
[must be current members] of Waverley and District Anglers’ Incorporated]
wish to nominate ___________________________________________ [name of candidate]
for the position of [please tick desired position]
☐ President
☐ Vice President
☐ Secretary
☐ Assistant Secretary & Publicity
☐ Treasurer
☐ General Committee (2)
☐ Angling Officer
☐ Angling Committee (6)
☐ Scrutineers (2)
☐ Welcomer
☐ Kitchen (2+)
Signature of Proposer 1: __________________________________
Signature of Proposer 2: __________________________________
Consent of Candidate
I, _________________________________________ am willing to take on this role if I am elected to this position at the Annual General Meeting of Waverley and District Anglers’ Incorporated.
Signature of candidate: ________________________________ Date: ________________
(Full name of applicant)
hereby appoint ……………………………………… being a member of Waverley and District Anglers’ Incorporated, as my proxy to vote for me at the Annual general Meeting or Special general Meeting) to be held on the 25th August 2025 and at any adjournment of that meeting.
Signature _____________________Date: ________________