Bream Lodge Bream Trip
October 10 @ 2:00 pm - October 13 @ 10:00 am
This is the club’s Annual Weekend Trip away staying at Bream Lodge on the Tambo River fishing on the Tambo, Nicholson or Mitchell River as well as the Gippsland Lakes.
Accommodation is available at Bream Lodge with Three Units preliminary booked.
Arriving Friday 10th October and departing either Sunday afternoon 12th October for those who have to go to work and Monday 13th October to cater for those retired folk who may want to fish later into the afternoon on the Sunday and have a leisurely trip home after a morning fish on the Monday.
Dinners will be organised at the local Hotels and Details will be confirmed closer to the event.
Please register your proposed attendance on the trip sheet at the meeting or email Lawrence to have your name added to the attendees.