Waverley and District Anglers Inc (WADA) was founded in 1991 to foster the sharing of knowledge and information between interested members relating to both salt water and fresh water angling.

Aim / Benefits

  •  Promotion of the involvement of individual members and families in fishing and social activities.
  •  Sharing of knowledge and experience in a non-competitive environment – with access to latest catch information and GPS Marks.
  •  Encouragement of the conservation of natural resources and preservation of fish stocks.
  •  Provision of a safe, friendly and secure environment – there is no alcohol at monthly meetings or on boats during scheduled club events.
  •  Organised schedule of club activities each month, fishing different environments – there is no competition between members.

Where we meet Wadham House 52 Wadham Parade Mount Waverley, 3149, Victoria (Melway 61 E12) Main Hall (walk in main entrance, first room on the left).

When we meet Fourth Monday of each month (except December and January) commencing at 7.30pm.

Our monthly meeting agenda Includes

  • Reports from the latest club trips,
  • Details and arrangements for upcoming club trips and events,
  • Members fishing reports from the floor,
  • Tea Break – with biscuits and/or cakes
  • Raffle
  • Guest speaker – as / when organised

Organised Club Trips Include 

  • Whiting, Snapper, Gummy and Squid fishing on Port Phillip Bay and Western Port.
  • Freshwater trips to Goulburn River, Loddon River, Lake Eildon and various Western District Lakes.
  • Surf Fishing trips to various beaches.
  • Annual Tuna Fishing trips to Portland or Bermagui NSW.
  • Annual Bream Fishing Trips to Bream Lodge on the Tambo River and Cosy Nook Cabins at Bemm River.
  • Provision of Boats and crew for the Annual Future Fish Mates Day held out of Launching Way Patterson Lakes.
  • Various other local and away fishing Trips as requested and organised by/for members. (Locations have included Powlet River, Patterson River, Phillip Island, Gippsland Lakes, Mallacoota, Port Albert, Lakes Entrance, Port Welshpool, Lake Tyres, Marlo, Eden, Narooma etc.)

Membership WADA are always keen to welcome new members and make them feel at home within the club. Membership is open to any individual or family group who are keen to become more involved with fishing. Every effort is made to match up non boat owners onto members boats with experienced crews to assist the new members learn more about the targeted species, locations, alternative fishing methods and boat handling.

Costs Once off Joining fee is $10. Membership is $50 per annum for full members, $75 per annum for family membership and $20 per annum for individual juniors or pensioners.

Contact Details:

Mail: Waverley and District Anglers Inc P.O Box 972 Mount Waverley Vic 3149

Telephone: Club President – Mark Nan Tie 0419 334 828

Email: info@waverleyanglers.com.au